copyright by Tara Marie Linke
integral awareness Transformation
In the age of digitalization (Industry 4.0), we do have access to almost everything (due to Industries 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0), yet we need more than ever to be be 100% SELF DETERMINED.
Why? Because this Industry 4.0 lives of service, which makes that we are mainly seen as customers, which makes us controllable in every way. Interesting enough, this era also is called the age of security and control.
Not many people will ask you: Do you prefer to be a consumer, comfortable and well-served OR do you prefer to be a responsible, creative independent Human Being? In other words: Do you prefer continuing an OTHER DIRECTED LIFE and follow all opinions, trends or the loudest commercial OR would you take the risk to be responsible in living a SELF DETERMINED LIFE?
Tara will confront you with you this question.
Blue pill OR red pill?
Method & Philosophy

If you choose the pill of awareness, you will have to work. Because it is so much easier to stay "only consumer", it is more convenient to blame others, more comfortable with all securities we got promised.
The next problem that comes with it:
Way too often we have no idea of what we want, what our callings and full potentials are and we play too many roles in others lives. But this won´t make us happy nor will it be of service to others.
Most of us are used to live in the "other-directed mode" of fulfilling roles for other stages. Funny enough, this is not what most bosses, clients, partners and other individuals or systems need from us!
Without 100% self determination, you will not use your full potential. There won´t be any win-win situations with your team, your company or your clients. Neither there will be balance in your private life and relations.
IAT- INTEGRAL AWARENESS TRANSFORMATION is the powerful approach Tara has developed for a new era of challenges which we´ll find ourselves confronted with more and more every year.
With working on your awareness, you will get a higher understanding of human functioning and behaving, in order to grow your instincts, perceptions, performances and personality in an integral manner.
This is: ego-centric, ethno-centric, world-centric and cosmo-centric.
The trainings are intelligently fed by acting, performing, meditation, visualization as well as willpower practices.
Your Awareness & Transformation Training fields will be:
Physical / Mental / Spiritual / Emotional / Environmental
Because you will use your whole system and not only make mental decisions.
It is proofed that we use only 4% of our brain capacity consciously. Through IAT- INTEGRAL AWARENESS TRANSFORMATION you will access a hidden part of your unused 96% capacity.
This insight will make you more accessible for a real change, because it is based on experience, not on mental information only.
Life requires commitment and the right attitude. So does Tara.
The time of competition and comparing is over.
The new parameters for survival are: